At Develoop Software, we have worked with a diverse range of companies and professional sectors for more than 20 years. Corporates, Agencies, SMEs, startups… we have learned from all of them and built a diverse portfolio of both technologies and methodologies. Our goal with all our clients is to be a long-term technology partner and to give them the support they require before and after software development.

ERP Software
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Aethalia Travel

The travel agency specialising in cruises and river destinations required a major integration of a customised cruise website with CRM, sales and accounting in Odoo. Odoo modules for ticketing, document management and mail marketing were installed.

Corporate Website
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Barcelona Public Health Agency

This institution has a training programme for families at risk of exclusion. We were asked to create web-oriented software and integration with data from the Generalitat de Catalunya for the registration, control and distribution of courses, topics and attendees of the training.

Custom Software
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The facilities company AIGNEP relied on Develoop to create a 3D model which could be used to create solutions for its customers. With this JAVA development, AIGNEP’s engineer can compose a facilities map for any plant, similar to an AutoCAD project.

Custom Software
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Barcelona City Council

The Consell Escolar Municipal de Barcelona requested the creation of a website with forums, news, events calendars, bibliography management, etc. The system allows the dynamic management of all the data displayed, through the creation of a back office administration.

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Alpine Manley Dacs

The multinational company specialising in drawing and painting tools required an e-commerce platform where the well-known packaging and wonderful combination of colours on its products would stand out. The PrestaShop platform was integrated with SAP ERP to optimise stock, prices and orders.


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Ampere Paints

For the signage products company, which was used to relying on distributors, the possibility of selling directly through its online store has allowed it to employ a different marketing strategy and gain better visibility than the competition. This project has been replicated in France, Italy, Germany and elsewhere.

Custom Software
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Andromeda Travel

A multi-profile back office was developed for customer management. This management included the administration of their files and commercial exploitation tools, management of documentation and the sending and control of mailings. Integration of Iris Group’s Travel Office.

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Ardex Cementos

The multinational building materials company needed to showcase its entire catalogue to the end customer, while at the same time integrating partial solutions to carry out the work themselves, with one of the most important tools being the material calculator.


Custom Software
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ASM Impressor

This project made it possible to migrate a desktop application in Delphi to a web development under Microsoft’s Team Foundation Server coverage. To achieve this, the existing software was reverse engineered. This application was developed under the agile methodology and in Microsoft’s Team Foundation Server environment.


Custom Software
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After creating a coordinated project for the calculation of mortgages with different banking entities, the Notary’s Office decided to continue relying on Develoop to set up different customised projects that would give added value to its clients and to entities with which they have a relationship.

Corporate Website
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Balactan Nutrition

The baby food company Balactan required a new corporate website to showcase its product catalogue. An example of a corporate website with a targeted product alongside the appropriate information and a detailed description of each product.

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21 Buttons

Boxes is an e-commerce affiliation project with influencers from the lifestyle sector. Here we integrated the Stripe payment platform that allows us to store bank details transparently. The project is linked to the ERP software MS Dynamics Navision to host orders and invoicing.


Corporate Website
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CAL Casa das Artes

The CAL dance and performing arts school required a new corporate website that was updated for its client model. For this, our creative and technical team composed a multi-language, dynamic and fresh portal through which all their educational programmes and activities can be accessed.

Corporate Website
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Cala Montjoi Resort

The tourist complex located in the Parc Natural de Cap de Creus required a corporate website on which to present its services to its national and international clients. It also needed to integrate a booking engine that provides access to the broad selection of bungalows and complementary services.

Comunitats CatSalut referencias APP software
Comunitats CatSalut referencias APP software
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Cat Salut

Contracting for the structural and ongoing refining maintenance of the Xat Salut, Comunitats and MetrICs platforms which allow for coordination between doctors and patients.

Custom Software
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In this project, a private “virtual community” was developed for the client, which would allow them to keep their users informed and communicate with them at all times. They were also able to share content, manage email and send SMS messages.

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The lighter multinational required a new D2C project to showcase its range of product designs and prints. A new UX/UI interface was commissioned and e-commerce was connected to SAP ERP for total synchronisation of the catalogue and orders.

Custom Software
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Cobega Coca-Cola

The intranet created for Cobega S.A. aimed to boost the performance of its sales representatives. By means of a points system based on the achievement of sales targets, the system allows bonuses to be generated.

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Condor Barcelona

The renowned children’s clothing firm relied on Develoop to create its corporate website and D2C online store. The brand has directly expanded its online sales, reaching customers outside urban areas where haberdasheries and children’s shops are not so common.

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Custo Barcelona

The iconic fashion brand commissioned a project in 2014 so it could sell online to both Europe and America. With a duplication of warehouses in Barcelona and Miami, we were faced with an e-commerce solution with a complex structure, capsule collections, promotions for fashion shows, Black Friday, etc.

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Daewoo Internacional

The multinational home electronics company required a new D2C project with a new UX/UI interface that was more dynamic and adaptive to current digital consumption needs. The e-commerce system is connected to SAP ERP.

ERP Software
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Day Dreams

Day Dreams is a company that sells affiliation programmes in the form of vouchers for use in hotels. This required good lead control and sales tracking as well as traceability of the vouchers. With Odoo CRM and Sales we implemented a solution that was well-suited to their commercial management.

ERP Software
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A company engaged in the production of all types of made-to-measure staircases. Management of plant production, preparation of budgets based on cost estimates and costs assigned from engineering, CRM management of its customers. Implementation of the Kais Logistics, CRM, factory and financials modules for the optimal management of the company.

Euroports Referencia Desarrollo Web
Logo Euroports
Corporate Website
Euroports Referencia Desarrollo Web
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Euroports Logistics

A company in the maritime goods logistics sector, which distributes raw materials for various European manufacturers. Intranet web software was developed that allows for the management of partial invoicing and storage control of its warehouses in the port of Tarragona.

ERP Software
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Fujifilm was opening a shop, the Wonder Photo Shop, and needed software for sales management, stock control and product reception. POS, purchasing and inventory modules were implemented for all sales processes.

Fundacion Bertelsmann
Custom Software
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Alianza FP Dual

A portal for integrating students into working environments by putting them in contact with companies. It is a leading site for Dual Vocational Training created by Fundación Bertelsmann.

Custom Software
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GLS Connect

The parcel and logistics company was in need of desktop software that would process the shipment file directly from a route, registering the order in the central GLS system. This application was developed under the agile methodology and in Microsoft’s Team Foundation Server environment.


Corporate Website
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GLS Logistics

The logistics company requested the creation of a corporate website for Spain. In addition to the entire informative part of the services, the website is integrated with SalesForce’s CRM and synchronised with the central web services to control the tracking of orders and statuses, the location of offices, the validation of access to the agencies’ intranet, etc.

ERP Software
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Gomintec, a company engaged in the marketing of products for airport facilities, required the adaptation of a part of Odoo CRM and Sales to tenders and multiple budgets for an offer. The project also included management of tariffs and sales margins.

ERP Software
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Grin Grin

Grin Grin, a company specialising in the commercialisation of vegan food products, required its own product labelling specifications, which we implemented by means of a customised module for the logistics operator.

GrupoPV referencias desarrollo Web
Logo GrupoPV
Corporate Website
GrupoPV referencias desarrollo Web
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Grupo PV

A company specialising in the distribution of insulating materials for architectural structures. A commercial tool was developed for surface coverage that provides a cost assessment, budget and corresponding study.

ERP Software
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A startup rapidly expanding into the international market for the production and sale of vegan food. Odoo was implemented in the different flows of the company: accounting with permanent inventory, cost control, traceability with batches, MRP and Edicom gateway.

Hospital Ramon Cajal_referencias desarrollo Web
Hospital Ramon Cajal Logo
Custom Software
Hospital Ramon Cajal_referencias desarrollo Web
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Hosp. Ramón y Cajal

On behalf of Fundación del Hospital Ramón y Cajal, consulting was carried out for a project to streamline communication between patients and chronic disease specialists, the digitalisation of processes and the coordination of treatments.

Ibodontit referencia Web
Logo Ibodontit Web
Corporate Website
Ibodontit referencia Web
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A corporate website for a company that manufactures and markets dental medicine products. The website incorporates a digital catalogue function through which the available products and categories can be accessed.

IEC trials referencias desarrollo Web
Logo iEC Trials
Custom Software
IEC trials referencias desarrollo Web
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IEC Trials

A laboratory for the management of radiology diagnoses was in need of an application for managing the anonymisation of patients’ personal data from DICOM files, allowing for the versioning of each test and diagnosis to enable updating of patient history.

ERP Software
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A company dedicated to the purchase and sale of stainless steel for installations. The project consisted of the migration and implementation of various modules: risk control, multi-currency purchasing, stock management and commercial margin calculation.

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We developed the B2B solution for the dealerships and workshops of the leading motorcycle company. The platform has been integrated into their ERP and we have streamlined the processes for ordering spare parts and accessories.

Corporate Website
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LATAM Travel

The most important tourism company in South America needed to provide cruise options on its corporate website. For this purpose, a joint venture was established with, who asked us to integrate with LATAM’s booking system.


LionScout referencias desarrollo Web
LionScout Logo
Custom Software
LionScout referencias desarrollo Web
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A Swiss Human Resources company focused on highly qualified executive profiles approached us to create a portal to enable connection between large multinationals and Chief Officer candidates.

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The men’s fashion company required an e-commerce solution that would convey its style and elegance to its consumers. To implement the branding and thematic changes of each season, a visually impactful modular front end was designed featuring inspirational messaging.

Custom Software
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Custom software that allows physical and graphical calculations of the air flow through the products (grilles, nozzles, etc.) sold by Madel. It also generates a report in the form of a summary so that users can benefit from it when choosing their product.


ERP Software
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Marsa, a company that manufactures and installs marble features, required seamless integration between meters and fitters for the commercial management and coordination of installation. A customised agenda module was created and integrated with the CRM in Odoo.

Moda Re referencias desarrollo Web
Corporate Website
Moda Re referencias desarrollo Web
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Moda Re

A corporate website for the management of the recycling and sale of pre-owned textile garments. The company has several collection points and provides geolocation for the nearest site where reconditioned clothing can be donated or purchased.

MyrcoSport referencias eCommerce
MyrcoSport referencias eCommerce
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A business dedicated to outdoor sports products needed a B2B solution to support its professional sales infrastructure. It was created to manage robust commercial portfolios synchronised with Microsoft Dynamics ERP.

Custom Software
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Naturgy (Gas Natural)

The multinational Naturgy (Gas Natural) relied on Develoop for the following applications: control and monitoring of contracts, heating market reports, inventory, potential heating market, economic monitoring of the budget, gasification plans, and more.


Custom Software
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Nextel Travel

Nextel required a re-engineering of its extranet in the JAVA language. Develoop took charge of the project and developed the functionalities according to the needs of the project in coordination with their CTO.

ERP Software
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Odoo ERP integration for the internal management of installation and production processes. Bespoke adaptations for administrative areas and customised report forms.

Custom Software
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Odoo Addons

As implementers and partners of Odoo ERP, our customers often require customised solutions that the add-on or plugin market does not offer. For this, we have our own team of Python developers who create the necessary functionalities and innovations.


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Bassol Optics

We created an e-commerce solution for a chain of opticians with a structure that would allow online prescriptions and the personalisation of glasses. In addition to creating a model selection wizard, we integrated Dior’s corporate identity to highlight their status as an official seller of the brand on the internet.

Custom Software
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Pelostop was seeking multi-language software that also supported Cyrillic characters for its international expansion. It also needed to manage the scheduling of visits and the financing of treatments. A new web front end was developed to carry out all the management of each centre.


Custom Software
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Perfectly Spoken

A UK-based eLearning company that we have supported in the digitalisation of their English language learning method using a variety of tools. They now have a B2B solution to adapt to companies that want to improve their English.

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San Remo Perfumeries

The perfumery and cosmetics chain with more than 50,000 product references requested the Magento e-commerce platform with multiple indexing solutions, configuration of the advanced search engine Doofinder, remarketing with Criteo, stock integration with its retail ERP, and more.

erp horizontal

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ProCamp is the definitive guide for owners of campsites and holiday resorts. They required a PWA (progressive web application) with Android and IOS exports that was also 100% functional in a web environment.

RealFooding Carlos Rios
Corporate Website
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The corporate website of Realfooding by Carlos Ríos featuring the brand’s products, recipes for cooking them and educational material on how to nourish yourself with real food! The project includes a user area to allow supermarkets to access further information.

Corporate Website
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Restalo’s goal was to develop the largest restaurant guide on a website that features a complete management system which allows the customer to make bookings and benefit from a points programme. Restaurateurs have an extranet for availability and reservations.

Corporate Website
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RMT Logistics

RMT Logistics handles logistics processes that are always customised and adapted to the needs of small, medium and large companies.

Develoop rebuilt its site from scratch, making it more dynamic and visual, and providing an optimal layout for conversion on each page of the site.

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A leading company specialising in products and materials for laboratories. We developed a commercial B2B tool for the contracting of professional orders integrated into its own ERP. We also created the corporate website.

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Setram Logistics

The automotive logistics company requested a native iOS app to enable documentation and recording of the status and planning of loads, direct access to the office via chat, fleet control from the ERP via web service connectivity, and more.

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A company specialising in natural oils and essences for diffusers required an online image that would reinforce the message of nature and harmony that their products convey. This was an e-commerce project where the strength of the graphic design took prominence in the product category and its symbolism.

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Slazenger Heritage

The century-old tradition of this fashion company is centred on its jumper line. As the sponsor of the Wimbledon Championships, it is an example of an e-commerce business with a small range of products that are very well oriented to the needs of its customers.

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A native app that compares the fuel prices of nearby petrol stations connected to the platform. Moreover, it does not require interaction with the petrol station staff, as it is synchronised with the ERP of each station.


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Solocruceros APP

We created an app that combines the functionalities of the booking and search engine for cruises with a comprehensive user area where quotes can be saved and the sales team can be contacted directly.

Corporate Website
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One of the most important cruise sales and information portals in the world. It is connected via a web service to almost every shipping company in the market for offers and availability. It is also connected to the Odoo ERP through which accounting, invoicing and bookings are recorded.


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Sorli Sport

The Sorli food chain is diversifying its business into other sectors such as health and sport. To this end, it has developed an app connected to its Microsoft Navision ERP through which all services, room reservations and paddle tennis courts are made available by means of a barcode.


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Taiko Weather

Taiko is a company dedicated to professional weather forecasting that is customised for each type of client. The company commissioned us to create an app focused on the prediction of the most relevant global models, which we connected to their web services.

Tecnimarc referencias eCommerce
Tecnimarc referencias eCommerce
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An office supplies company for which a professional B2B online sales project was developed that is synchronised with A3 ERP. The eCommerce solution allows for the acquisition and personalisation of purchase volumes to enhance the user experience.

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This firm, which provides products for professional stylists, required an e-commerce project aimed at professionals in the sector. The project was integrated with Microsoft Dynamics Navision for manufacturing stock control and warehouse forecasting.

Custom Software
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Dakota Photos for Real Madrid

The Totem Chroma video integrates the participant with the selected team of Real Madrid players in real time. To accomplish this, it works with a chroma key and a timeline linked to video editing and capture tools, which can be viewed on the desktop in the Adidas store at the Santiago Bernabéu.


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Visegurity Group

The security and property protection company asked us to provide its employees with a native app that would register rounds via GPS and, by reading QR codes, verify passage through the marked points. The service is also being integrated with their ERP.


Corporate Website
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Zip Transfers

ZIP transfers is a company dedicated to organising low-cost transfers between airports and accommodation, beaches, hotels, flats or neighbourhoods. Through the development of this project we provided comprehensive and solid support as well as a stable business platform including its internal back office and resource management.